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Where the Cash Industry is on Sustainability

The Cash Sustainability Forum, which took place in Frankfurt last month, concluded with a panel discussion exploring who should lead and drive environmental change in the cash area.

Who’s Who in Currency & Technology Suppliers

The last time Currency News™ (sister publication of Cash, Payment & CBDC N…

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New Zealand Trials Community Cash Services

At the recent Cash Sustainability Forum, held in Frankfurt last month, Ian Woolford, Head of Money and Cash a…


Both the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the European Central Bank…

Central Bank Reports

In this new periodic series, we will cover in brief the news and informati…

Editors Choice

The Digital Euro – Managing and Mitigating Disintermediation

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a working paper looking at ensuring that a digital euro does not impact financial stability or the transmission of monetary policy.

  • Holding Limits Can Optimise CBDC Benefits

    Continuing on the theme of disintermediation, which is almost always discussed when the opportunities and risks of CBDCs are discussed, a paper by two academics from King’s Business School and the Un…

  • News in Brief

    A study commissioned by the Polish Cashless Foundation has reported that nearly half of respondents to a survey withdrew cash from store registers. Threequarters were aware this was possible.

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CN Concept Notes - Issue 2


Smartphones for Authentication


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