Who’s Who in Currency & Technology Suppliers

The last time Currency News™ (sister publication of Cash, Payment & CBDC News™), published its Directory of Currency & Technology Suppliers was 2018. The industry has changed a great deal since then with companies coming and going. The 2024 edition has now been published and is available to purchase in either a PDF or printed format.

The Directory includes over 500 suppliers organised into seven dedicated sections covering all aspects of systems, solutions and services for the cash cycle, from specification to end of life, and all stages in between. New categories for the seventh addition include CashTech, recycling and sustainability.

  • Components & Features: including banknote substrates, coin metals and blanks, security inks and coatings, optically variable features, threads and fibres, and printed security features 
  • Producers: ie. banknote printers and mints, both state-owned and commercial
  • Production: including design and pre-press, coin and blank preparation and minting equipment, papermaking and handling equipment, print integration, ancillary equipment, inspection, numbering, foiling and finishing equipment 
  • Processing & Management: covering cash centre and vault automation, processing and sorting systems, note and coin handling products, and sensors and authentication components 
  • Recycling & Destruction: a new category covering alloy recovery, destruction systems, recycling solutions and note and coin disposal 
  • Distribution & Circulation: including self- service systems (ATMs, cash deposit and recycling), cash handling and distribution, optimisation and, for the first time, CashTech
  • Support Services: including associations, publishers, consultants, counterfeit analysts, training and more.

Currency News, Coin & Mint News, and Cash, Payment & CBDC News subscribers receive a 25% discount on the price of the Directory.

Central banks and issuing authorities are able to receive a free digital copy of the Directory by contacting us.