




Central Bank Artificial Intelligence Conference 2024

Currency Research is launching its inaugural Central Bank Artificial Intelligence (CBAI) conference in London 25-26 September. The CBAI follows on directly from the Digital Currency Conference (DCC) which takes place at the same venue 23-24 September, in what the organisers are terming Payments, Innovation and Technology Week.

Events - July 23, 2024 midnight

CBDC Conference Brings Together Central Banks, Academia and Thought Leaders

The full programme for the CBDC Conference 2024, which takes place 10-12 September in Istanbul, has now been published. The event brings together central bankers, industry experts, thought leaders, academia and policymakers to explore the world of digital currency, including CBDC, tokenised deposits, and stablecoins.

Events - July 23, 2024 midnight

First Speakers Announced for the CBDC Conference 2024

The CBDC Conference take place from 10-12 September in Istanbul. The conference organiser has now published the first tranche of confirmed speakers, 15 of whom are from central banks, as well as the International Monetary Fund.

Events - May 22, 2024 midnight

Cash Sustainability Forum Draws Close

A forum is a meeting where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged, and that is the aim of the Cash Sustainability Forum, providing the opportunity for all stakeholders involved in cash to meet, share, understand and learn.

Events - May 22, 2024 midnight

New Cash Recycling and Recirculation White Paper and Workshop

The first afternoon of the second Cash Sustainability Forum (CSF), which takes place in Frankfurt from 24-26 June this year, will be a workshop dedicated to the recycling and recirculation of cash. It will build on a white paper currently being researched and prepared, and for which input is still very welcome.

Events - March 26, 2024 midnight

Exploring the Role of AI in the Central Banking Domain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) roared into the public consciousness in 2023. Its widespread use and, more importantly, its potential have become visible to all, not just the small specialist user community that has been working on it for years. Clearly, AI is of great interest to central banks from the policy makers through the cash issue department.

Free - November 28, 2023 midnight

Framing the Narrative for the Future of Cash

The Future of Cash conference typically attracts some 120 participants from central and commercial banks, CIT and cash management companies, academics and other cash cycle stakeholders. The 2023 event takes place 6-8 November in Istanbul.

Events - September 26, 2023 midnight

Upcoming Event Summary

Asia Cash Cycle Seminar (ICCOS) The seminar takes place 11-13 September in Bangkok, co-hosted by the Bank of Thailand. It starts with a summit for central banks.

Events - August 30, 2023 midnight