

Understanding Household Demand for Cash

When disruption occurs and the past is no longer a reliable starting point and guide for the future, understanding the fundamentals is important. A recent paper published in CESIFO working papers (8574 2020) adds to our knowledge of household demand for cash.

Cash Usage - December 22, 2020 midnight

Norway Plans for the Future

Norges Bank Deputy Governor Ida Wolden Bache spoke recently about the Bank’s thinking on CBDCs, or DSPs as they are known in Norway. Even with cash steady since the Spring at 4% of transactions, surely the lowest figure in the world, Norges Bank is in no hurry to issue a DSP. It continues though, to think and prepare.

Central Banks - December 22, 2020 midnight

It’s All About Trust

Chris Skinner recently wrote in his blog,, about the future role of bank branches. His story was based on two Brandseye surveys of consumer sentiment in the UK about banks, one pre-COVID and the other, more recently, ‘during’ COVID.

Bank Branch - December 22, 2020 midnight

News in Brief

The South China Morning Post has published its first China FinTech report. Mobile payments now account for four out of every five payments and for more than half the value of all non-cash retail payments for consumers and businesses. The report states that China’s massive domestic financial market has an estimated 87% of consumers using FinTech services, a $29 trillion mobile payment market in 2019.

News - December 22, 2020 midnight

ATMs Reinvented

Just over five decades after the world’s first ATM was installed in London, conditions have converged to make the reinvention of the ATM inevitable. Next Gen ATMs are an idea, or vision, whose time has come.

ATMs - December 22, 2020 midnight

Country Cash Profile: Mexico

This is the latest in our periodic series of country cash profiles, focusing on México, host to the 2021 HSP Latin America conference. It has been prepared with the assistance of the Bank of Mexico, which has built a new print works, is in the process of issuing a new family of notes, and is one of the world’s leading central bank when it comes to cash management.

Country Profile - December 22, 2020 midnight

CBDCs – Making Good Choices

In January the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology team from the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the US issued a comprehensive toolkit to help central banks develop their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) policy by giving them a step by step process to follow, supported by detailed worksheets.

Digital CN - December 22, 2020 midnight

Australian Cash Update – the Journey Continues

In the July edition of Cash and Payments News Paul Blond, Managing Partner of The Blond Group, wrote about the initial impact of COVID-19 in Australia and how not only cash, but all payment methods took a tumble as the widespread lockdown of the country impacted the economy. With the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) publishing its latest data, Paul has taken a look at the numbers.

Country Profile - December 22, 2020 midnight

Africa Banks on Mobile Payments

Only 28.5% of Africa’s 1.17 billion people have bank accounts and the infrastructure of bank branches and ATMs is sparse. The last 20 years had seen payments in Africa change rapidly along African lines, rather than those of Europe or Asia or elsewhere. While payments in Africa continue to change, it appears that the future is mobile.

Mobile Payments - December 22, 2020 midnight

Cash Balance Optimization Using AI & Big Data

Garanti BBVA has developed software using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to manage its cash logistics. Alper Sayin, Head of Cash Planning and Operations, has written about his experience introducing this software and how they are using it.

Data Analytics - December 22, 2020 midnight

Agenda for Online Asia Cash Cycle Seminar

The global pandemic sadly forced the postponement of the Asia Cash Cycle Seminar (ICCOS) due to be held in Manila in September. However, this has allowed Currency Research to pivot to using virtual platforms for community engagement and education. Having recently and successfully run virtual events for Europe and Americas, the attention now falls to Asia.

Events - December 22, 2020 midnight

New CBDC Conference

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are a hot topic with implications for us all. Whether you are new to them or deeply into the topic, the new CBDC conference in Frankfurt 21-23 June 2021 will be of interest.

Events - December 22, 2020 midnight

US COVID Results in More Cash

David Lott of the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta gave an interview to ATM Market Place based on their 2019 consumer survey and some additional surveys carried out this year, as well as their normal cash processing role.

Country Profile - December 22, 2020 midnight